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Directions To The Stoneville WMA

Stoneville WMA is located in Washington County near Leland. Go northeast of Leland 2.5 miles on Old Leland Road, turn on Feather Farm Road go 2 miles to WMA. If you have any questions regarding Stoneville WMA call (662) 335-2422.


Stoneville Wildlife Management Area (WMA) is a 2,500-acre parcel located in Washington County, approximately five miles north of Leland.  Stoneville WMA is owned by Mississippi State University and is located on the Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Delta Branch Experiment Station in Stoneville.  This area is dominated by bottomland hardwood stands of varying age classes with some mature timber stands scattered throughout the area. 

Approximately one half of Stoneville WMA's timber had to be regenerated due to ice storm damage in the mid 1990s.  Because of the thick cover and food availability provided by this extensive regeneration, deer habitat is excellent and the deer herd on Stoneville WMA is in very good condition.  Deer hunting is allowed with archery or primitive weapons throughout the entire deer season.  When compared to other areas, buck quality is above average.  Bucks are not eligible for harvest unless they meet the antler criteria for Stoneville WMA. This restriction has been in place for several years; therefore, a few higher quality deer should be available for harvest this season.  Opportunities to harvest antlerless deer exist and are encouraged on the area.

Small game opportunities are primarily limited to squirrel hunting because of the habitat type.  Squirrel numbers should be plentiful throughout the area where habitat is available.  Fair mast crop yields over the last couple of years should have maintained a huntable squirrel population, but mast production on the limited number of mast producing trees has not been high enough to raise the population significantly.  Black squirrels occur on the area at relatively high numbers.

Although hunting opportunities are practically unrestricted, hunter success on this area is moderate at best.  Hunting pressure, in general, is relatively low on the area, which should tend to slightly increase the hunting quality.

The permit station with cards is located on teh west side of the WMA.