As a landowner or leaseholder in an area known to have Chronic Wasting Disease , you play a critical role in managing CWD in Mississippi. The CWD Deer Management Assistance Program (CWD DMAP) was developed as a tool for private landowners and leaseholders to work together with MDWFP to manage CWD prevalence and increase sampling intensity in infected areas.
The CWD DMAP is only available on lands within 3 miles of a known CWD positive deer.
Participating landowners and leaseholders may be eligible for the following privileges:
- Hunt using any weapon starting October 1st until the end of deer season
- Harvest more deer than statewide bag limits allow
Participating hunters must agree to the following conditions:
- DMAP CWD Management tags must be obtained prior to hunting with a rifle during the early archery or primitive weapon seasons.
- Tags are directly associated to the permitted property and not any single person, any person who hunts on the property may hunt with weapon of choice and use the tags.
- Once a deer is harvested, the deer MUST BE TAGGED BEFORE MOVING THE CARCASS.
- All deer harvest using DMAP CWD Management tags must be submitted for sampling using a public drop-off freezer or by working with a participating taxidermist.
To apply for the CWD Deer Management Assistance Program click the link below. The original Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) was initiated in Mississippi in the 1970's. To learn more about traditional DMAP, visit the Deer Program homepage.