Resident - Each resident of the State of Mississippi ages sixteen (16) through sixty-four (64), fishing in the fresh or marine waters of Mississippi, including lakes and reservoirs but NOT to include privately owned ponds and streams, shall be required to buy a fishing license. A saltwater license is required south of U. S. Highway 90 and a freshwater or saltwater license is valid between I-10 and U. S. Highway 90. Saltwater license is not valid north of I-10. Any person sixty-five (65) or older, or any person otherwise exempted from obtaining a freshwater fishing license, must have documentation with him/her at all times while fishing as described in Exemptions. [MS. Code 49-7-9] Effective July 1, 2010, residents 65 years of age or older are required to purchase a lifetime recreational saltwater fishing license ($7.29, includes all fees).
Non-Resident - All non-resident anglers, except minors under the age of sixteen (16), are required to obtain a fishing license while fishing in the fresh or marine waters of the State of Mississippi.
Residents who are visually impaired, paraplegic, a multiple-amputee, adjudged totally disabled by the Social Security Administration or totally service connected disabled by the Veterans Administration are not required to purchase a HUNTING OR FISHING LICENSE. [MS. Code 49-7-5 and 49-7-9] Residents exempt based on this criteria are required to have proof of their age, residency, disability status or other physical impairment in their possession while engaged in hunting and fishing activities. All exempt licenses previously issued for DISABILITIES are null and void.
Proof of Residency
Under this section, a person's domicile is that person's principal or primary home or place of abode. Provided, however, a person holding a current driver's license is deemed to be domiciled within the state that issued the driver's license. Even if a person currently resides within the State of Mississippi, for purposes of obtaining a hunting license, he/she is considered to be domiciled in the state which issued the driver's license.
I. If you HOLD a current driver's license:
a. If you hold a current MISSISSIPPI driver's license, you are entitled to purchase a resident hunting license.
b. If you hold a driver's license from any state other than Mississippi, you are required to purchase a non-resident hunting license.
II. If you DO NOT hold a current driver's license from any state:
You are entitled to purchase a resident hunting license if Mississippi is your principal or primary home or place of abode. A current Mississippi resident income tax return or a home stead exemption receipt may be considered as evidence of domicile, but these are not necessarily determinative. You may be denied a resident hunting license if you fail to provide adequate proof.
Even if you are domiciled in another state, you may purchase a resident hunting license if you provide either (1) a current identification card from a Mississippi college or university; or (2) a current military ID card showing that you are an active member of the Armed Forces (excluding Reserves and the National Guard) and proof that you are stationed on a military base in Mississippi.
Proof of age may be shown by the following:
A. A valid driver's license; or
B. Copy of birth certificate
Mississippi Lifetime License
Resident lifetime license applicants must prove that they have been domiciled in the State of Mississippi for a minimum of eighteen (18) months immediately prior to issuance of such licenses.
Mississippi Freshwater Guide License
Effective July 1 2023, a valid freshwater guide license will be required for any person that provides freshwater fishing guide services on any public waters in the state (north of I-10). Proof of the following must be provided with a completed license application (available under Additional Resources).
Residents must show proof of residency and have a valid MS Sportsman's License, unless exempt by the state law.
Non-residents must have a valid MS annual non-resident fishing license.
Proof of CPR and First Aid training from an American Red Cross or American Heart Association-certified trainer or course
Certification of boater education course
A USCG Captain's License may be substituted for CPR, First Aid, and Boater Education
In addition, a valid freshwater guide boat license and decal shall be required for each boat used for freshwater guide services. The price of the boat license shall be $25. Proof of the following must be provided with a completed license application:
Each boat must be registered with MDWFP as a freshwater guide boat
Valid boat registration and driver's license
Proof of liability insurance coverage (minimum of $100,000)
Both the freshwater guide license and freshwater boat license will be valid one year from date of purchase. Boat decals shall be attached to both sides of the hull, specifically toward the bow.
The license can be acquired in person from MDWFP Headquarters in Jackson, any MDWFP Regional Office, or by mailing application to MDWFP, Attention: Guide License, 1505 Eastover Dr. Jackson, MS 39211. Freshwater Guide License application available below.